Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lt. Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans recommends neo-Confederate fringe and the Abbeville Institute

The National Lt. Commander-in-Chief is given a regular column in the Confederate Veteran, a publication of the Son of Confederate Veterans (SCV).

In the March-April 2019 Confederate Veteran, the topic of Lt. Commander-in-Chief Larry Allen McCluney Jr. for the "Report of the Lt. Commander-in-Chief," is "Become a 'Fanatic' about the SCV."  ( Vol. 77 No. 2, March/April 2019 pp. 8-9, 49).

Part of the column is a complaint that the public is not taught their neo-Confederate view of history and instead are taught  lies by a "government indoctrinated public education."

To counter this McCluney Jr. recommends some neo-Confederates writers and the Abbeville Institute. To quote this section I am going to use an image capture to show that I am not making this up. All these individuals who are recommended also have essays at the Abbeville Insitute website.

Don Livingston founded the Abbeville Institute.  At one time he was a member of the League of the South.

Tom Woods wrote articles for the Southern Partisan magazine. In the Southern Partisan Woods condemned the 14th Amendment to the American Constitution. He wrote an article saying that the Civil War was really a theological war. In another article, "Sitting Amidst the Ruins: The South Versus the Enlightenment," he condemns the 18th century Enlightenment as destroying civilization. When I say neo-Confederates are reactionary, I mean they are reactionary with a capital Old English Gothic R.

Woods was a member of the League of the South and made contributions to their publication Southern Patriot.

Woods doesn't refer to this neo-Confederate past so I decided to write up his neo-Confederate curriculum vitae and put it online.

Woods is a frequnet contributor to the site and you can search for his articles via this link.

Kirkpatrick Sale attends Abbeville Institute functions and has articles contributed to their website. His most notable book in the neo-Confederate movement is, "Emancipation Hell: The Tragedy Wrought by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation," which is supposed to have brought great injury to African Americans according to Sale.

In reading the Amazon webpage promotion for the book we learn that Sale asserts that "social statistics of 1900" show that the "material quality of life" for African Americans "was lower for most black Americans than under slavery" which is argued to be due to the Emancipation Proclamation.  The Emancipation Proclamation is also held to have "doomed Americans to a century and a half of racial conflict and disparity that is still with us."

It doesn't seem to occur to Sale that the racial problems in the United States are due to the overthrow of Reconstruction, groups like the Ku Klux Klan, lynching, lack of Civil Rights for African Americans.

Sale is a founder of the pro-secessionist Middlebury Institute.

There is a tendency because his early work to give Sale a free pass regarding his neo-Confederate activities.

Clyde Wilson is a long time neo-Confederate writer. Numerous articles were written for the Southern Partisan, he was a founding board member of the League of the South, he writes for Chronicles Magazine, he makes numerous contributions to the Abbeville Institute website.

M.E. Bradford was known for his strident attacks on Lincoln as the destroyer of the American Republic. He also was a foe of civil rights for African Americans. He led the Dallas area campaign to elect segregationist George Wallace president. He was a racist who attacked James Baldwin. He was a contributor to Southern Partisan magazine. Several of his articles in Southern Partisan are at the Abbeville Institute website. Bradford really had hoped that the election of Ronald Reagan as president would result in the civil rights legislation of the mid-20th century being repealed.

Brian McClanahan is a frequent contributor to the Abbeville Insitute web page and does their pod casting.

Marshall DeRosa is a professor at Florida Atlantic University.  He was active in the League of the South.  He contributed to Southern Partisan magazine.

DeRosa is a fan of the Confederate Constitution. One of the more recent books is "Redeeming American Democracy: Lessons from the Confederate Constitution," published by the neo-Confederate publisher Pelican Publishing of Gretna, Louisiana.

DeRosa sees the Confederate Constitution as having ideas useful to reform and save American democracy.

Some of his views have gotten media attention.

Thomas DiLorenzo is a professor at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. He is primarily known for his writings attacking Abraham Lincoln for being a tyrant. He is involved with the Lew Rockwell part of the libertarian movement. You can search for his contributions to the website via this link.

The last half of the quote above is a recommendation to attend educational seminars put on by the Stephen D. Lee Institute, run by the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the seminars of the Abbeville Institute.

Stephen D. Lee is notable for his lenghty essay in the multivolume set "Confederate Military History," about the contemporary south in which he argues that civil rights for African Americans gave young African American men the idea to rape white women and that lynching is an understandable response. Stephen D. Lee in the early 20th century proclaimed "The Charge" which is held to be the reason for the existence of the SCV.

Scholars from the Abbeville Instiute help put on the Stephen D. Lee Institute and there is a large overlap of people speaking to one group as the other. So to understand what type of education McCluny thinks the SCV membership should receive we can go to the Abbeville Institute website.

I think this article at their website gives a good summary of the mentality of the "scholars" of the Abbeville Institute.

In this essay Gottfried tells us such things as:

"Woman students on our campuses are now encouraged by the state to accuse male students of rape"
Generally Gottffried's article is is a lengthy rage against a world where he is not automatically privileged and in charge.

However, generally if you are looking for neo-Nazis or other screamers you will be disappointed. The unfortunate thing is that the public all too often believes that white nationalism or racism fits a certain stereotype.

Here the reactionary agenda is drenched in nostalgia and sentimental pictures of the past. Discontents with the modern world are employed to argue for the neo-Confederate agenda.

Thomas Dixon produced the notorious racist movie, "Birth of a Nation," which glorified the Ku Klux Klan. This is the Abbeville Institute take on Thomas Dixon in a review of the book, "Southern Horizons," Dixon's autobiography.

I think I recognize this article having an earlier version in the Southern Partisan magazine.  In the Fall 1984 (Vol. 4 No. 4) issue of the Southern Partisan on page 54 Stephen Page Smith has a review of the book "Southern Horizons." The idea of African American men being rapists is part of the book review.

A lot of articles at the Abbeville Institute are noted as having been published in the Southern Partisan originally. It seems some might be getting slipped in without  a reference to Southern Partisan.

In this article Kirkpatrick Sale has a rosy view of slavery in the ancient world and in the antebellum south.

Thomas Fleming, who had led an anti-Muslim campaign for years in the pages of Chronicles Magazine, has this contribution.

Browsing through the web site a reader will undoubtedly find other articles which will appall. But it will be within a general venue of nostalgia and images of oil paintings. This web site is a good site for people to learn that white supremacy is supported by narratives like this website where the authors work in shades and contextualizations and nostalgia and subtilties and not really by a few losers wearing some costume and screaming at a rally.

Again this is the organization which the Sons of Confederate Veterans recommends its members to be a source of information.

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