Monday, February 4, 2019

Sons of Confederate Veterans attacks Martin Luther King through a back channel

To lead a counter-revolution against the removal of Confederate monuments the Sons of Confederate Veterans has created a web page  I believe, but I don't have documentation that the name of the website is intentionally derived from the Donald Trump slogan, "Make America Great Again."

They have a Facebook page also.  On this Facebook page is this posting.

This Facebook posting is a sharing of this Facebook posting.

However, in either Facebook posting you can click on the  link to go directly to this article about Martin Luther King at the website. Dixie Alliance is the Facebook page of

The publication The New American is in my opinion is a fringe rightwing publication.

The web page has a problem since the link to the article, "The Secret File on M.L. King" is actually to another article.

However, the page is an attack on their being a Martin Luther King holiday at all. MLK is attacked:
What almost must be said about the King record is that, apart from whatever may be in the sealed files, enough information about his associations with subversives is known to cast grave doubt on his character.
The article concludes a call to release some files on MLK and to repeal the MLK holiday.
Liberals, Communists and their sympathizers everywhere have won a great victory with the creation of an official King holiday. The measure authorizing it should be repealed. As a first step toward this and toward repairing the soiled image of America that the creation of this holiday has caused, the King files should be opened and made available to Congress.

Anyone who loves America and reveres truth should join in demanding of the appropriate authorities that they “Free The Files!”
This attack isn't on the official SCV Facebook page, but the Make Dixie Great Again Facebook page. It allows some plausible denialability in that it might be claimed that a rouge member of the SCV or operation made the posting.

However, even on the Make Dixie Great Again Facebook page posting, Make Dixie Great Again shares the posting without comment, and The Dixie Alliance Facebook (My Dixie Facebook page) merely says, "Remembering, "The Secret File on M.L. King." Click below to read facts that are not generally known about Martin Luther King, Jr."

There is plausible denialability. . The SCV didn't create the web page. It could be said to be a mistake that they shared the posting.

In the neo-Confederate movement there is a lot of this type of thing where a position or action is advocated, but in a way that is detachable and offers plausible denialability.

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This is the Facebook page. Oppose the Sons of Confederate Veteran's Agenda I will h...